Sven Windszus | 24/7, 2022
Sven Windszus | 24/7, 2022
A pool of blood seeps through the corners of a sterile weapon case. Workers rush to eliminate the traces of slaughter, yet the cycle between bloodshed and cleansing perpetuates. Adopting a bird’s eye view from above, we notice the digital animation unexpectedly embedded in the bottom of the weapon case. The horrendous aftermath of war is repeatedly screened in a miniscule world separate from our interference.
Created before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Windszus discusses the totalizing effect of war. Adopting an ex-army weapon case - once in military use - 24/7 examines the destructive phenomenon of war. The ongoing Ukraine crisis put Windszus’s video-installation into perspective: though sympathetic to the situation, the detached spectators stood cold from the invasion of blood. Positioning the spectators in a passive standpoint to the video-installation, amplified through the physicality of the weapon case, Windszus outlines the dilemma between our conscience and actions.